How old are you? 42. I'm like a fine wine, I get better with age, right? ;-)
Turn-Ons: LATEX! Lots and lots of yummy-smelling gorgeous fashionable and kinky latex, the more the better. Oh, and kissing, rubbery sex, romantic sex, books, wine, travel, beer, art, and lots of other things.
Are you dominant or submissive? I'm neither, or both, or sometimes I am one and not the other. See, I hate pigeonholing my moods and relationships, so I prefer to go where the given situation takes me. Chemistry is odd sometimes I will feel a completely different thing with one person than I would another. I think life is more exciting when you are open to what your mood will dictate.
Do you smoke? Nope, but I seem to get asked if I do quite a lot, so I added it to this FAQ.
Are you wearing rubber? I just might be. It's something I really enjoy doing, both in private and in public, so yep, I could be wearing rubber as you are reading this. Recently I started to learn a little about how to make my own latex clothes, too, which I hope to share with you when I get a bit more skilled.
Will you meet me in person? I'm a regular person, so you never know if you might bump into me at your local fetish club or supermarket. If you do, please say hi, I love meeting new friends!
Will you send me a free photo? I've got lots of free pics online that I would love to share with you! I invite you to join iFriends, where you can look at my archives, or join my fan club. You can also see more of me if you go here, here, here or here, or my Yahoo group...!
So tell me more about you! Sheesh, you still have more questions??? Okay, okay, go read my Blog, then.
Real Woman | Real Life | Real Latex
If there's one thing Miss FuzzyBunny has, it's words, waaaay too many of them, you might even feel! So here's a few words about who I am and what sort of defines me.
If you've stumbled across this site thinking it's a fetish model portfolio, I should tell you right away that I have no illusions about suddenly appearing on the cover of Skin Two or Marquis magazines! Nope, I'm an amateur latex fiend, nothing nearly as glam as a fetish model.
You might also wonder why someone who isn't a renowned fetish fashion pinup might devote a site to herself. In short, because there seems to be a need among latex fetishists for accessible, real women who also happen to share a love of latex. So what I try to do here, always, is remain true to that ideal, and share my discoveries with you as I discover them. It's really that simple.
Featured Rubberist: Miss Fuzzy Bunny. How can you describe this woman? Rubberist? Webcam girl? Amazing? All three I think!!"
A photo shoot with Bianca Beauchamp of LatexLair. Photo courtesy of Martin Perreault.
Want to see free webcam stills & vid clips of me and many other latex cam fiends? Join iFriends.