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Sites must be owned by a registered iFriends Chat Host.

Sites submitted after January 6, 2001 must be hosted on the iFriends platform. i.e. no future Geocities sites will be admitted, or sites hosted on any other server.

Please do not link directly to your iFriends profile page.

You must copy and paste the code into your page before it will be accepted into the ring. Click here for easy instructions on how to add your code.

Blatant and habitual self advertisers in the iFriends Viewer Only forums will be removed from the ring at our discretion. (Remember: it's desirable to advertise in the VCH to Viewer Forum, but advertising in the Viewers only forum, or faking a good review in the Who's Hot Who's Not Forum is very very bad!)

Tips: Check your URL you're submitting to make sure it works. Verify that your email address is correct.

Sometimes the ringsurf bots miss code. If you've already added your code and uploaded your new page, feel free to email me and alert me to your site.

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(ie: 1999)

By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13. Because of this we do not allow anyone 13 or under to Join a RingSurf Net Ring, or become a Ringmaster, and thus we are forced to ask you to specify your birthdate. If you are under the age of 14, you may not become a member of RingSurf. You may use the Ring Directory and use any existing ring, you just may not start a new ring, or add your website to an existing ring. See our privacy statement if you have any questions on how we handle your personal data.



Site Description:

The description you type will be viewed by any surfer coming to our ring site list. You want your site to attract viewers by its sexy professionalism. Pay attention to spelling and phrasing, and please don't type using all caps.
Thank you for your submission. Your site will go to our queue. In the meantime, be sure and copy and paste the code onto your site. Your site cannot be added until it displays the ring code. Need help getting it on your page? Check out the tutorials here.

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