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XWebManX (aka Randy) | Serendipity | FuzzyBunny

Great Links Recommended by Chathosts

AmberSilver | FuzzyBunny | TopCash | PiercedBBW | XWebManX

AmberSilver's Favorites
Amber is a wonderfully talented graphic artist and chathost. She's a PhotoShop goddess, and she is learning to code html and how to use DreamWeaver. Here are some of the sites she's found useful. One look at her gorgeous graphics is reason enough to bookmark these sites!

has easy to understand tutorials on html, javascript and more. provides links to many more resources as will. from start to finish, this site will be extremely helpful in learning to code or just as a reference!

site has tutorials that are updated fairly often, offers links to other sites that give assitance when learning how to us ps. also offers links to trial versions for eyecandy and other ps related software!

FuzzyBunny's Picks
I'm what you call an html poseur! I don't actually hand code much, but instead I rely on DreamWeaver to do the bulk of my dirty work. Accessibility and sound design are really important to me, so many of my links stress those key elements.

Web Design for the Enthusiast
RUN to this site, created by my board buddy Rew. I am very impressed with the amount of work and effort he's taken in creating this site. It is invaluable, and even better, he has a web design critique board. But please, if you submit your site for review, you've gotta let people know it's an adult site!!!

Recommended to me by OnTheWay, I consider this a must-read for anyone who is even considering having a web site. You'll see a lot of Don'ts on this opinionated list that routinely appear on many iFriends sites. This site explains why such practices are obnoxious, and why you should avoid making these mistakes.

Kate and AmberSilver like this site a lot.

A great site for learning what NOT to do with a web page. Excellent BBS too, where members will critique sites. Most of the members shy away from porn, so it's best just to observe or join in the current discussions, imho.

This site makes me feel hopelessly unhip and unschooled, but it really is a great resource for designers. One of its founders, Jeffrey Zeldman, has written a hot new book, Taking Your Talent to the Web -- an indepth look at web design and how to transition to it.

A really well-organized, easy to follow web site. I like their design!

Also a goodie.

One of my favorite web designers and teachers. ALL of her books are classics and worth owning. If you're, like me, a DreamWeaver fanatic, you cannot afford to miss her excellent Hands on Training Guide!

The Non-Designer's Guide to the Web
A really instructional book for the non-designer.

TopCash's Bookmarks
Garman is a digital artist and a help desk technician. He's created some really cool graphics in his day, and his list reflects his love of art.





PiercedBBW's Favorite Places
Kate, PiercedBBW, has one of the coolest sites on iFriends. She's a FrontPage fan, so her links are particularly helpful for anyone who owns a copy of this popular WYSIWYG application.

GREAT Frontpage resource site:

Main page: www.outfront.net/
Forums: http://www.frontpagewebmaster.com/

From XWebManX, our resident expert coder
You've undoubtedly met Randy in the chathost forums, where he's always on hand to answer the really technical questions about stylesheets, meta tags, search engines, or the Web in general. Read our new feature, Words from the Experts. Learn from Randy what you'll need to do in order to have a successful adult site. Here.

The homepage of the creator of HTML Kit, only the best non-WYSIWYG web site editor out there (the price ain't bad either as I think it may still be a freebie!) Amazing little program since it's totally Open Source and people can add their own plugins, including everything from Javascript routines, CSS, Dictionary, Thesaurus, PHP, ASP, Java, ColdFusion... That's for those who ask me what I use, and I've been using this one through several builds for the better part of two years now.

ps Chami also has some pretty good tips, tricks and tutorials on the 'Net in general, HTML, JavaScript, and Windows there too.



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