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How to Add Your Code

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How to add the code to your site

Tutorials: Easy Explorer Method | Netscape Composer/Notepad Duo

New! Visit this site for the best instructions I've seen on how to add code!

Easy-Peasy Explorer Method!
The Easy Explorer Method is a snap, provided you run Windows Internet Explorer 5, which worked like a charm for me.

Before you begin, make sure to save a backup copy of your original page, in case anything goes wrong.

Step 1: Copy your ring code from the email you receive, or from the RingSurf page.

Here's your email

Here's what your email will look like, or something similar.

Step 2: Open Internet Explorer. Go to your mysite page where you want the ring to appear.

View Source (under your View menu)

View Source

This will open up Notepad.

Notepad shows your source

Paste the copied text right before the tag. Your ring info will show up near the bottom of your page.

Step 4: Save your page as index.html (We are assuming you want the code to appear on the first page of your site). If asked for the file type you wish to use, select Text Documents (*txt). The third option below, Encoding, may not be available depending on your operating system. Leave as ANSI, if you do have that option.

Saving your file

Upload your page to the iFriends server. Once the code appears correctly on your page, I will add your site to the ring!

Need More Help?

Coming soon are more resources such as an in-depth design bulletin board and a list of the best resources on the Net and at your bookstore. In the meantime, visit iFriend's excellent MySite Forum and ask your fellow chathosts for some help.



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