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How to Add Your Code

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How to add the code to your site: Composer Method

Since a lot of chathosts starting out use Netscape Composer, I've prepared a really simple tutorial for adding your code using Composer and Notepad. You will need Netscape Composer, and you will also need to locate Notepad (if you're using a PC), or Simple Text (if you're using a Mac).

Here's what you need to do:
Step 1: Copy your ring code from the email you receive, or from the RingSurf page.

Step 2: Open Notepad. Now, open the html document where you want your ring code displayed. Most of the time this document is probably named index.htm or index.hmtl.

Select where you would like the ring info to appear. To make things really simple, we will place the code near the bottom of your page.

Step 3: Paste the copied text, save and close your document.

Step 4: Open the page in Composer to see how it looks. It should look very similar to the example. Save the file as index.html. Make sure that you select the file type as Text Document. (see instructions)

Upload your page to the iFriends server. Once the code appears correctly on your page, I will add your site to the ring!

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