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Words from Fellow Chathosts

XWebManX (aka Randy) | Serendipity | FuzzyBunny

Randy's Advice
As far as the marketing/promoting goes... There are literally as many ways and ideas about this subject as there are web sites out there. The main ones are: Promoting your site from your Live VCH Shows, Link Exchanges, Thumbnail Gallery Post sites, Yahoo Clubs, Pic Post sites, referrals from other webmasters and the ever elusive search engine optimization and submission. You can use any and all of the above and then some. The more you do (and do well), the more your "name" is out there, the more traffic your site will get and thus the greater the chance that you'll have people join your site.

ClickCash is basically a method that WebPower has set up so that you can promote the iFriends site and produce another revenue stream for yourself. You can include a bit of code in any of your pages which links to a cgi script and when someone clicks on that and joins iFriends they will pay you for bringing them this new customer. As an added bonus, if someone joins iFriends through your web site and then comes to see you in a Live Show you'll get 90% of the dollars they spend with you instead of the standard 50%. Think of it as a an extra commission to you for bringing iFriends a new customer.

Now generally speaking web sites (especially adult web sites since that is by far the most competitive market) can be fickle animals. Not only in building an engaging site, especially if you've never done it before, but also in the marketing department. An adult web site is something that you have to devote time to almost every single day if you want it to be successful. Bottom line is that you have to treat it like a business. Both from the marketing standpoint as well as the constantly adding content standpoint. It all takes time, usually 10 times the amount of time researching as it does to actually implement something.

IMHO it really does little good and is a waste of time to throw up an adult web site if you don't make the commitment up front to work it every day for at least 6-8 months. Because it's going to be at least that long before you see any appreciable cash from it. You must resign yourself to the fact that early on you're going to put in many hours and get very little return.

The other side of that coin is that if you've done all of your research, dotted all of your i's and crossed all of your t's and your site does become successful, it can turn into a cash cow for you. You can't ever Stop the updating and marketing efforts, however once a good foundation is laid you can literally devote only a few hours a week to a site and it'll still pull in residual income ranging anywhere from a few hundred to a several thousand per month. Generally speaking the amount you make from your site will have a direct relation to the strength of your original commitment and your follow-thru ability.

Sorry to close on such a glum note. I definitely don't want to dissuade from starting their own site since creating them is what I do for a living. However I think everyone should have a firm grasp on the reality of the situation. If you're doing a site for the fun of it... Great! Have fun with it and enjoy the limited $$$'s you make from your site. On the other hand, if you're looking to make more $$$'s from your site, you must be fully prepared to devote a substanstial chunk of time to the endeavor.




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